40 Acres Landscape Master Plan

Around Public Parks and Open Spaces


Pune, Maharashtra

Project Size

4o Acres




GPL Design Studio | StudioPOD Design Pvt.Ltd | Enviroscape | DADA | Unicorn Consultants Pvt.Ltd. | Ashoka Structural Consultants | Lighting Concept Pvt. Ltd. | Lopez Design


Landscape Urbanism & Landscape Architecture

Located in Pune, the IT capital of Maharashtra, is a 40 acre mixed use township that will serve the city’s young and burgeoning population. The site is nestled between a verdant tekdi (hill) and the Mula river which serve as the anchors of the axis along which the site is laid out. The landscape master plan ties together the hill and the river creating an ecologically sensitive, social, interactive and fun space that will be enjoyed by all. A Biophilic Landscape Urbanism & Design approach has been employed that builds on the unique natural setting to create an ecologically resilient and engaging landscape. Emphasis is placed on blending ecology with function so as to create a variety of spaces that children and adults of all ages will enjoy spending time in.   The starting point for the master plan was a detailed biodiversity survey which encompassed mapping all the species of flora on the site and also understanding what species are native to the area and can thrive considering the local climatic, human comfort and topographic conditions.this

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